Love to the LGBTQ+ Community

Katie Beaumont
1 min readMar 16, 2021

A Short and Sweet Response to the Vatican’s Statement on Same-Sex Marriage

Photo by Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash

I write, not because I have answers but, because I have so many questions. Here’s one:

What do you know about love? You won’t protect those in your churches — that is not love. Love always protects. (1 Corinthians 13:7)

I’m grieved, although not surprised, for LGBTQ+ people who are influenced by the Vatican’s words — particularly young people. I know what it’s like to grow up feeling like who you are is sinful and bad, like if you were fully yourself, you would lose everything you love. Having that come from people who are representing God is incredibly damaging.

For those folks, I hope that they find what I am only now beginning to discover: there is an abundant life beyond a theology that suffocates and harms. That on the other side of what they’ve always known, there is room for them to know true freedom, there are people who will celebrate them for all they are, and that who they are is good. Maybe even simply the best.

The church is not god.

Our relationships belong to us.

We are sacred.

Love is sacred.

End of story.



Katie Beaumont

“Bottom line Katie Grace” Lover of nature, good trouble, and bad TV. (she/her)